Longevity Oriental Medicine
Dr. Wang (Chinese Medicine) 07747192659
Open 10am-10pm Monday-Sunday appointment only
suite 205 44-46 Elmwood Avenue
free consultation £30/h for Acupuncture Was £50/h
Dr. Wang is licensed insured in the UK one of Top 3 Acupuncturist in Belfast for 5 years has 20 years experience with healing hands and is keen to help with your medical issues and your wellness to help you live a young looking healthy longer life expectancy​​

I am a fully licensed and qualified and insured and registered in Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture, Cupping Therapy, Gua sha , and Tui Na and other Chinese Medical Treatment in UK.
I have been successfully practicing Traditional Chinese medical treatment for more than 20 years providing treatment solutions in China as well as in the UK. I have also had working experience in Hubei University of Chinese Medicine clinics in china.
I have a M.D in Acupuncture and a Doctorate in Alternative Medicine (Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupressure, Energy Healing) from Alternative Medicine Institute international.
Belfast has listed as happiest city amont EU by major madies for few times and I feel the same.
​​If you are a student who is on student loan or single parent lives on benefit and want a discount please let me know, I will look after you.
Many thanks!
Conditions I can help include . . . alphabetically
Acne, Arthritis, Addictions (Alcohol, Tobacco, Sex) Anxiety
Back Pain, Baker's Cyst, Bad Breath
Cholesterol (High), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Constipation
Depression, Diarrhea
Eczema, Arm or Elbow Pain, Enlarged Prostate (Inflammation)
ED Impotence, Ejaculation (Premature, Retrograde)
Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Frostbite, Frozen Shoulder
Genital Warts, Ganglion Cyst, Groin Area Pain
Hair Loss, High Blood Pressure, Herpes, Haemorrhoids
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Infertility
Joint Pain, Jaw Pain (Stiffness)
Knee Pain
Leg Cramps
Migraine Headaches, Menopause (Male & Female), Memory Loss
Neck Pain (Stiffness) Nightmares, Night Sweats
Obesity, Otitis Media (Ear Infection)
Palpitations, Prostatitis (Swollen Prostate) Parkinson
Quitting Smoking
Rhinitis (Nasal Irritation), Reflux acid pain
Sleeping Problems, Smelly Urine, Sciatica
Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears), Tennis Elbow (Elbow Pain)
Urinary Tract Infections
Vitiligo (Skin Pigmentation), Vaginitis (Sore, Swollen)
Wind (Flatulence), Weight Loss,Weight gain
. . . . and by category
Colds • Constipation • Diarrhoea • Flu • Gastritis • Hepatitis • Hypertension • Indigestion • Migraine • Peptic Ulcers • Palpitations • Obesity • Thyroid Disorders
Muscular – Skeletal & Neurological
Arthritis • Back Pain • Bell’s Palsy • Cerebral Palsy • Frozen Shoulder • Lumbago • Neuralgia • Sciatica • Sports Injuries • Stiff Neck • Stroke • Tennis Elbow
Mental – Emotional
Anxiety • Depression • Fatigue • Insomnia • Panic Attacks • Stress
Acne • Dermatitis • Eczema • Herpes • Psoriasis • Baker's Cyst • Ganglion Cyst • Warts
Amenorrhea • Cystitis • Dysmenorrhea • Endometriosis • Hot Flushes • Infertility • Irregular Periods • Miscarriage • Morning Sickness • Pelvic Inflammation • Vaginal Discharge
Addictions - Alcohol • Tobacco • Sex
Men's / Women's Issues
Male Impotence • Loss of Libido (Sex Drive) • Infertility
Impotence & Premature Ejaculation Male InfertilityTreatment
I am the first one in NI to ad to help people with the condition with Chinese medical treatment (Acupuncture cupping herbs, no Tui Na in this treatment) I have many years experience and a great success rate with outstanding results. Some patients are more than 70 years old and after treatment they feel like a young man again. My treatment technique is pioneering based on Chinese medical theory and Chinese medical treatments, plus modern science knowledge as well as my working experience.
This is an effective non-chemical treatment involving a combination of Acupuncture (non-genital areas), Cupping, Herbs. Most patients have reported an increase in the quality and duration of their erections after their first treatment.
The treatment also helps increase urine flow and prostate conditions and prevention of testicular cancer and cyst ... makes you more confident too.
I also have had success in increasing fertility when female partners also treated for Infertility with Chinese Medical Treatment and Herbs.
Some women who is over 40s have given birth to their child as a result of my treatments.
Some people never have child before , some tried IVF few times didn't work for them, some no longer suitable for IVF. Treatment takes time to get results, it will work out , just need be patient.
My treatment is natural and non chemical.
​Credit/debit cards are not accepted at the moment, discount is available for regular patients.
First visit
Initial consultation, Acupuncure, cupping, gua sha together..................£40/ h ,
£50 /75munites
Cupping .....................................£20
Tui Na.......................................£25
Dr . Wang's pioneering treatment which achieved great results
ED, Premature Ejaculation , Prostate condition Male Infertility:
Initial consultation and all treatment together
£50 /h
consultation including Chinese medicine knowledge, and Dr . Wang's own specific methods tailored for you which help your condition, and all treatments together.
Infertility and treatment before IVF
including consultation and treatment, many successful cases including woman who is over 44 naturally pregnant and never have kids before.​
Herbs.........................................£20 per week
If you are later due to parking or other issues you still pay the same cost, most people park their car nearby street and walk to the business centre, off road parking is free.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are so fine that most people don’t feel them being inserted. It is normal to feel a mild tingle or dull ache as the acupuncture practitioner adjusts the needle to direct Qi. While the needles are in place most people feel deeply relaxed which can continue after they are removed.
Before Acupuncture Treatment
First of all, don’t come hungry. Have a snack or light meal before your treatment. You are advised to have a shower before your treatment. It’s best to avoid alcohol or recreational drugs before treatment. However, you should take your prescription medicines on schedule. Acupuncture practitioners regularly treat patients who are on medications for all sorts of conditions.
Your first consultation
You must tell your Acupuncture practitioner if you have any medical condition.
During your first visit your acupuncture practitioner needs to gain a thorough understanding of your main complaint and your general health and lifestyle. You might feel that some questions appear unrelated to your condition but the information you give helps your practitioner to form a more complete picture of your health and lifestyle. Your acupuncture practitioner will also take your pulse on both wrists and may examine your tongue and feel for areas of muscular tension or pain.
When talking about your main complaint, the practitioner might ask you to describe in your own words what the symptoms feel like and how severe they are. You may also be asked how long you have been having the symptoms, whether they are constant or intermittent and how frequent they are. You should mention any medication that you are taking and whether you have tried any other therapies. In order to make a diagnosis according to traditional Chinese medicine theory and to find the right treatment approach, the practitioner will also want to know more specific details.
Lifestyle advice
Your acupuncturist is likely to suggest ways in which you can enhance the long-term effects of your treatment. This may involve making changes to your diet and daily routine. If necessary you will be referred to other healthcare practitioners for specialist care.
Treatment plan and treatment
Based on all the information you have given, the practitioner will make a diagnosis and put together your treatment plan, which may include lifestyle and dietary advice as well as acupuncture. Your practitioner will use very fine single-use pre-sterilised needles to stimulate specific acupuncture points on your body. Because energy meridians range across the whole body, the points used are not necessarily close to where you experience pain or discomfort. For example, if you suffer from headaches needles might be inserted in your foot or hand.
After the treatment
• Acupuncture has very few side effects and any that do occur are usually mild and self-correcting. Cupping and Gua Sha can sometimes temporarily bruising the skin such bruising is painless and generally clears within a few days .• Drowsiness can occur in a small number of patients, and if affected, you are advised not to drive and operate machinery straight away after the treatment.
• Minor bleeding or bruising can occur as a result of needling. The vasculature of the face is delicate especially around the eye area. Given the nature of the Advanced Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment, capillary bleeding can occur. Whilst this is not detrimental to the objective of the treatment it can be visible in the form of bruising for a number of days. To achieve maximum benefit in certain delicate areas of the body bruising is sometimes unavoidable.
• Light headiness or fainting can occur in certain patients, particularly in the first treatment.
• You should keep the treated skin area water free (dry) and use surgical spirit to clean and antibacterial cream 7 days for infection control.
• Less than three people in a hundred will find their symptoms get worse after their first treatment. This is often a good sign, but you should always tell your acupuncturist about this if it happens to you and last more than 3 days.
• After acupuncture, you may resume your normal activities. Going back to work is fine. If you are tired and have the opportunity to nap, do so. Eat normal meals and drink a lot of water and avoid alcohol.
• Do not use ice after acupuncture. Acupuncture gets the circulation flowing, your Qi and blood moving. If you have swelling, Acupuncture reduces it. When you apply ice it impedes this process. Cold contracts things and slows them down.​